My Résumé
Additional Qualifications
Legal studies in Munich, Bonn and Speyer;
Clerkship at the Oberlandesgericht Düsseldorf
Certified HR Manager;
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Personalführung, Düsseldorf
Qualification in Systemic and Hypnotherapeutic Coaching;
Milton Erickson Institut, Heidelberg
Professional Experience
1990 – 2002: Operative und strategic HR management
in small /midsized companies as well as in global corporations;
from1992 onwards in senior roles
2003 to date: independent strategy consultant and
interim manager
Teaching assignments in Labour Law, Hochschule für
Bankwirtschaft, Frankfurt/M
Industry Experience
Banks, Financial Services, IT, (Mailorder) Retail, Consultancies
Specialist Knowledge
Implement and manage the HR side of corporate strategies
Process design and implementing restructuring/ re-organising
plans/ outsourcing and insourcing
Moderate and resolve conflicts between opposing interests
in companies
Identify crises and develop future-oriented alternative
Identify change-driven opportunities
Coach professionals and managers in their daily working
Practical German labour law
Die Rückkehr des Kranichs – eine Fabel über
Veränderungsprozesse, Pfadverlag – 2003
The Return of the Crane – A Fable about Change, 2003